I had a blast this weekend! I got to see Tim 2 weekends in a row. Yes 2. I love it when I get to see him. Both weekends we got to drive around on the tractors. It is so much fun and even yesterday we saw some deer while we were driving around.
I also got to take his truck to Logan yesterday to tint the windows! Look how nice it looks now.

7 What did you say?:
Sounds like fun...
Rheagens last game is Wed at 5:30.
I think her dance review is going to be May 22.
Hey... I promise I am not a stalker... but it's such a small world. 1. I am friends with Hayley 2. My sister is friends with Michelle 3. We have a friend in common Jaimie Thomas and 4. I went to school with Tim..... how crazy is that.
Give your mom a hug from us! I feel so bad that she is so sick!
Give your mom a hug from us! I feel so bad that she is so sick!
I really didn't know him that well... but, he was alway nice.
Cute Picture of you and Tim!!!!
My maiden name is Eliason
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