Friday, January 2, 2009


Well you all might be wondering what these projects are supposed to be. Well I have been painting my parents old table. The cool thing about this table is this is the first table they got after they got married. Too have a piece of this in my place makes it pretty special. This project seemed to take longer than I ever thought it would take. If anyone decides to paint a table, let me give you some advice. Don't if it has a lot of spindles. Wow!!!! It takes forever to paint.

Before pictures:

After pictures:

3 What did you say?:

Michelle said...

Very Cute. I love the black paint.

Jaime And Tyrell said...

Looks good I have been wantng to paint a few things black. what kind of paint did you use and how did u do it?

Hayley said...

Tiff this looks fantastic! I am so impressed!